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Everything louder than everything else: How to navigate multiple stakeholder needs through better discovery

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Drupal Means Business
Session Length: 
60 minutes

We have all been there: a project gets defined and scope set when suddenly a new requirement becomes a 'must have' from a key stakeholder. Surely this one off addition can't hurt. But soon comes another one. And another. Until finally our original design has become 'design by committee' and nobody's happy.
Understanding how to ask the right questions up front can mean the difference between happy clients who are eager to give you more business and nightmare clients who can never be satisfied.
This session will focus on delivering a better discovery process with all team members that not only uncover their individual goals, but uncover the big picture. We will discuss how to ask the right kind of questions. The ones that give you all the backup you need later to stand firm and calm the stakeholder down when the 'one off' requests come in.

Learning Objectives & Outcomes: 

This is a variation on pricing strategy discussion, where we focus on the value of delivery policy rather than price. This would be the first time I give this talk.
The real take away is that people have the power early on in the process to engage more meaningfully and arm themselves with data that they can not get later in the process.